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How to Apply Grip Tape to a Skateboard Deck

Setting up your first skateboard from scratch is an awesome memory, combining your hand-selected parts to give you just the right feel, paired with that sweet new deck. But how do you apply skateboard grip tape without making a mess, folding or tearing, and ruining it all together? Well, we'll show you how here. Watch along and we'll have you putting grip tape on like a pro.

What’s Needed:

  1. Your new skateboard deck.
  2. A sheet of grip tape.
  3. Razor blade
  4. File
  5. Phillips head screwdriver/skate tool (make sure the screwdriver fits your bolts)
Step 1: Peel the backing off of the grip. Be sure to keep the backing as it will be used later on.

Step 2: With the grip tape (sticky side down) in both hands, line it up with the board so it hangs slightly off the ends, and so the deck is centered under the grip.

Step 3: Using the heel of your hand, begin to gently press the grip onto the deck, starting from the center of the deck and working your way to one end of the board. Then repeat the process in the other direction, going slow to avoid making air pockets. Bubbles are great for baths but not for grip tape.

Step 4: Now, take the backing that you put aside earlier and lay it over the fresh grip to protect your hand while you run your fist down the length of the board to press out any remaining bubbles. Discard the backing once finished.

Step 5: Grab your file and run it firmly along the perimeter of the deck so an outline of the board appears on the un-trimmed grip tape. Make a couple passes so the grip is easier to cut, making sure to keep the file at the same angle the whole time.

Step 6: Grab your razor blade, and starting at the tip of the board, carefully begin to make a long, continuous cut along the perimeter of the deck. Just like with the file, it’s important to keep the blade at roughly the same angle the whole time.

Be careful of the sharp razor blade when pulling it towards yourself. Always stand a few feet away from the blade while cutting.

Step 7: Once the excess grip is removed, take a small piece of scrap and rub it along the edge of the gripped board to soften the freshly cut edges.

Step 8: Grab your screwdriver, and from the bottom (graphic side) of the board, poke holes through the grip for the truck mounting hardware. Once finished, flip the board over and poke the excess grip back through the fresh holes.

Step 9: Throw your trucks on and go skate!
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